04. May 2024

Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

Jordan Peterson's rule twelve

Who is Jordan Peterson?

Jordan Peterson is a Canadian psychologist, author, and public speaker known for his conservative views on cultural and societal issues. He first rose to prominence for his vocal opposition to Canada's Bill C-16, concerning gender identity and expression. This stance garnered him significant attention, both supportive and critical. Peterson's academic work is centered on psychology, with a focus on belief systems and the structure of human experience.

He gained further fame with his book, "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos", which offers practical advice through essays on abstract ethical principles, psychology, mythology, religion, and personal anecdotes. The book was highly successful and helped establish him as a cultural critic and influencer.

Building on his previous work, Peterson released a sequel, "Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life", which delves deeper into the complexities of balancing order and chaos in life. This book also received widespread attention, continuing to shape his role as a thought leader in discussing the human condition.

Peterson is known for his critiques of political correctness and postmodernism, positioning himself as a defender of free speech. His lectures and discussions often explore themes of personal responsibility, the importance of individuality, and the dangers of ideological possession. His influence extends widely through his YouTube channel, podcasts, and public speaking engagements, making him a polarizing figure in contemporary discussions on culture and politics.

Rule 12: Pet a cat when you encounter one in the street.

Rule Twelve of Jordan Peterson's "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos" is titled "Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street."" This rule encapsulates the philosophy of finding joy and comfort in the small, seemingly mundane moments of life, especially during periods of suffering and hardship. In this chapter, Peterson uses personal anecdotes to illustrate the broader point: life is fraught with unavoidable suffering, and it is essential to find and cherish small, controllable pleasures that make the hardship bearable.

Peterson shares experiences from his own life, particularly around his daughter's long battle with a severe autoimmune disease. Amidst the profound challenges and pain, he found moments of relief and happiness in simple actions, like petting a cat they would encounter on their walks. This act is symbolic, representing the idea that life will always present difficulties, but within these moments, there are opportunities for simple joys that can offer respite and a sense of peace.

This rule encourages embracing the unpredictability of life, suggesting that while we cannot control every aspect of our existence, we can choose to notice and appreciate the small pleasures. It's about reducing the complexity of life to manageable moments, thereby finding beauty in the ordinary and often overlooked aspects of daily life.

The broader philosophical underpinning of this rule is deeply connected to mindfulness and the existential acceptance of life's ebb and flow. By advising to "pet a cat," Peterson metaphorically means to engage with life’s small delights, be they literal or figurative. This approach helps foster resilience by anchoring individuals in the present, enabling them to handle life's complexities and adversities with a balanced perspective. Through this rule, Peterson provides a strategy for dealing with life's inherent challenges by finding joy in simple, immediate experiences.

My story with a street cat

This story begins at the end of February 2024. While striving to improve my skills in computer vision, I was delighted to see an unknown cat in front of my window. She seemed to be waiting for something unsurprising. When I opened the window, she got scared and ran away. A week later, she was still sitting behind my window. However, this time when I opened it, she stayed and waited for my next move. As Jordan Peterson said, we cannot predict the behavior of a cat. I took a step back and ran to prepare some tasty food. Fortunately, I still had a piece of already cooked chicken. While I slowly offered her the gift to introduce myself, it allowed me to take a picture of her for the first time. Without any suspense, she came back several times, and I could take multiple pictures. Now she is accustomed to coming when she is hungry, and I provide her with specific food for cats!


  1. (Encyclopedia) Jordan Peterson | Website
  2. (Youtube Channel) Jordan Peterson | Youtube
  3. (Encyclopedia) 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, Jordan Peterson | Website
  4. (Book) 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, Jordan Peterson | Amazon